Yeah like the title says. I have been wondering alot about my next and last year of school, and about if I will graduate or not.
Maybe I won't graduate because I get thrown out, or maybe go myself becase of all this stuff going on at the moment. Or maybe because I am... scared... of graduation.
I don't know why. But the thought of me becoming a real graudated student. It's just so weird. I never ever thought I would come this far. And somehow I guess I feel like I don't deserve it after all the help and extra meeting with my teacher, who really believes in me... Somehow I feel like I am just a problem for her to solve. That I am to big a burden, and to big a looser for someone like her to believe in me... And I am an evil person for using her time... specially if I give up.
I don't know... but after being told many times that I am lazy and stupid by some people, while others tell me the exact opposite... I'm just confused I guess... And afraid of the graduation that might actually be my rescue and make me more responsible, maybe even more adult...
hm... I really don't know what I want, or what I wanna do... I don't even know why I am writing this... It just had to come out I guess...
Oh well... Keep Calm And Carry On...?

Hi there and welcome to my blog called Sillerens Verden / Sillerens world in english. Here I'm gonna write about what I (Silleren) are doing and thinking about in my sparetime. Just like any other blogger I guess. Hope you like my blog. I am a Dane so sometimes I wrtite in danish, even though english sounds better ^^ Cheers'
søndag den 23. juni 2013
søndag den 31. marts 2013
Since last time
Yeah... erm... as the title of this post is reffering to, I am now going to tell a little about what I have been doing since my last post.
First of all I used my week of vintervacation on taking a little trip to England with one of my friends.
We had arranged that we first would spend a few days in London, at a hotel in waterloo and spend some time being real tourists. We walking around in London, saw big ben, went to Picadilly Circus and also to Chinatown. Oh yeah we also got on the London Eye :D Such a great view over London! I mean waow!

Oh well. After a few days in Lodnon we packed our bags and went for Cardiff. We are both Doctor Who fans, and since most of the series is shot there, there was no question about us going there ;) (actually that was the first thing we arranged for our trip). And of course we went on a tour around Cardiff with a guide that showed us lot's of places that have been used as scenes for the series. Actually we were pretty lucky with that tour! At first the tour should have been of foot, but then it was changed to be the bus tour instead. And we didn't have to pay more for it! Secondly, we also got the funniest tour guide we would get! He had met some of the actors before, and even Steven Moffat! He got loads of awesome and funny stories!
Of course we also went to see the Doctor Who Experience after that ;)

After we had spend some lovely days in Cardiff we got back to London again.
Now we went for Borough Market. I really got that old time London feel when we walked around that place. Under the trainrails, and with a bit of snow coming down. I felt like I was in London in the eighteenhundreds. After that we got loads of time on our hands so we went for a long walk to see Tower Bridge also before we had to go.

Now it was time for me to be a fangirl once more, as we went for Bakerstreet to see the Sherlock Holmes Museum.
It was so awesome! Afterwards we also found a pub on Bakerstreet where we got us a cider each. It was such a cosy place. Gotta get back there someday!
This trip was so great! But we knew we had to get back to old, stinky Denmark... It was such a chocker to get back. Snowed alot and well... as I said before... it stinks. Especially the train stations, and all the stinking. gross alchoholics there didn't help much either... I still have to get used to how rude people is in Denmark after meeting so many kind and polite english people... Oh well... I can tell you one thing. It's not the last time I have been to England!!
I will be back with more into on my trip. I will propably make a post only with pictures of the Doctor Who Experience :)
First of all I used my week of vintervacation on taking a little trip to England with one of my friends.

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I love this picture! :) |
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Oh well. After a few days in Lodnon we packed our bags and went for Cardiff. We are both Doctor Who fans, and since most of the series is shot there, there was no question about us going there ;) (actually that was the first thing we arranged for our trip). And of course we went on a tour around Cardiff with a guide that showed us lot's of places that have been used as scenes for the series. Actually we were pretty lucky with that tour! At first the tour should have been of foot, but then it was changed to be the bus tour instead. And we didn't have to pay more for it! Secondly, we also got the funniest tour guide we would get! He had met some of the actors before, and even Steven Moffat! He got loads of awesome and funny stories!
Of course we also went to see the Doctor Who Experience after that ;)
This is the door for a pub/bar in Cardiff! No kiddin! |
After we had spend some lovely days in Cardiff we got back to London again.
Now we went for Borough Market. I really got that old time London feel when we walked around that place. Under the trainrails, and with a bit of snow coming down. I felt like I was in London in the eighteenhundreds. After that we got loads of time on our hands so we went for a long walk to see Tower Bridge also before we had to go.
Now it was time for me to be a fangirl once more, as we went for Bakerstreet to see the Sherlock Holmes Museum.
It was so awesome! Afterwards we also found a pub on Bakerstreet where we got us a cider each. It was such a cosy place. Gotta get back there someday!
This trip was so great! But we knew we had to get back to old, stinky Denmark... It was such a chocker to get back. Snowed alot and well... as I said before... it stinks. Especially the train stations, and all the stinking. gross alchoholics there didn't help much either... I still have to get used to how rude people is in Denmark after meeting so many kind and polite english people... Oh well... I can tell you one thing. It's not the last time I have been to England!!
I will be back with more into on my trip. I will propably make a post only with pictures of the Doctor Who Experience :)
Yeah... I love London eye :D |
Big Ben,
Borough Market,
Doctor Who,
London Eye,
sherlock holmes,
Tower Bridge
onsdag den 30. januar 2013
Frankenstein Genskabt! HELT FÆNOMENALT!!!
Ja folkens. Titlen på dette indlæg siger det hele.
Jeg var nemlig inde at se Frankenstein Genskabt i det Nye Skuespillerhus i går aftes, og det var det mest fantastiske jeg nogensinde havde set!! Både skuespil og musik var fantastisk.Det at de formåede at modernisere en 200 år gammel historie, der i forvejen var genial, til at være endnu mere fantastisk, er for mig helt utroligt. Også selvom det foregik lige for øjnene af mig!
Gennem hele stykket blev jeg overrasket gang på gang. Både over de fantastiske (Og nok også dyre) rekvisitter der blev brugt, og over scenografien i det hele taget. Men også over hvor hurtigt historien vendte til noget helt andet end man havde forventet. Vi kender vel alle den irriterende følelse af at man bare ved hvad der skal ske når man sidder og ser en film eller lignende. Men i dette tilfælde vidste man aldrig rigtigt hvor man stod, hvilket bare gjorde stykket mere fantastik, da det jo en del handler om at man ikke altid kan styre ens liv i den retning man vil. Der sker altid noget uventet, og man må bare ride med på bølgen i det store hav vi kalder livet.
Alt i alt var det som sagt et fantastisk stykke, som bare må ses! Det sætter virkelig tanker i gang!
Jeg vil da også lige nævne at Johan Olsen, klarede sig super godt i rollen som "djævelen" og hans fantastisk rustne stemme, til de ret arrige sange (med ret speciel tekst) gik lige i hjertet, for ikke at sige hovedet på en.
(Kunne ikke sove fordi jeg havde sangene på hjernen ^^'')
Jeg sad bare og håbede på at nogle af numrene ville komme på en cd!!
Dog skal jeg lige foruden alt rosen sige til sarte sjæle, der overvejer at se frankenstein genskabt, at i skal være parate på at der vil være en del om død og selvmord. Dog er der også en del humor til at løsne den ellers lidt til tider dystre stemning lidt op.
fredag den 11. januar 2013
Hi there.
I have just learn about this site called glogster, where you can create some kind og moving pictures with usic and so on. It's actually pretty fun, even though I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it o__O
Anyway here's the very first one that I have made :)
I have just learn about this site called glogster, where you can create some kind og moving pictures with usic and so on. It's actually pretty fun, even though I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it o__O
Anyway here's the very first one that I have made :)
tirsdag den 11. december 2012
I love Photoshop!
Hey yo...
I was early at school today, just to realise that my first class was dismissed, because my teacher just broke her leg. So now I'm sitting here in the class photoshoppin for my life. (And boredom).
I figured I just ass well could sit here and make the logo for our project for the filmclass, and it turned out pretty nice. So I just wanted to share it with you guys if you ever need to use a logo for doing a newsflash or something. Also it is in danish... sorry english peeps ^^''
Now I'm gonna do the intro in flash or something. If I can remember how to use it anyway :)
torsdag den 18. oktober 2012
The best 3D program - And it's free!!
Hello folks.
I just wanna tell you about this awesome 3D program called "Maya", wich is the best, free, 3D program you can get right now! Or okay when I say free. I mean that it is free for students. You just have to make a profile on their webpage and download the program as a student. EASY!
Okay one thing that aren't as easy is how to use the program but you can always google up some tutorials for it :)
Here you can read a little more about the program Link
And here's a homepage with toturials Link
Download Maya Here
I just wanna tell you about this awesome 3D program called "Maya", wich is the best, free, 3D program you can get right now! Or okay when I say free. I mean that it is free for students. You just have to make a profile on their webpage and download the program as a student. EASY!

Here you can read a little more about the program Link
And here's a homepage with toturials Link
Download Maya Here
søndag den 14. oktober 2012
Designing for my life!

I have also made a new design for this blog to... The brown color theme was getting pretty boring. Yeah yeah I know. It won't help making it greyish blue colored either. But I'm not that much into colors ^^''
But anyway if you EVER need a new design for your blog. Or some photoshoppin. Just write a comment or something and I will help ya out. If I'v got the time ;)
Also here is one of my new photographs, I have photoshopped a bit ;)
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