lørdag den 8. oktober 2011

Beauty or photoshop?

Hey yo! wuzz up?

I have been thinking a bit about how many people, especially girls that just WANT that perfect body, just like the big stars like Beyonce, Shakira, Rihanna, and also diverse models.
You know that they alweys seem like to be so perfect in the magazines, perfect skin, perfect body, perfect posture, but actually most of them is getting photoshopped!

And the cool thing is, that everyone can do it with a little training.

even I can do it! and I only shaped her body and neck, and make some more light and color, that's it! (and yeah I know there's some mistakes here and there)

You can also easily make your skin look totally perfect with photoshop, and the fact is, that no one have that beautifull skin naturally anyway...
The bad thing about this I think is that these people, gives ung girls a totally wrong idea about how a normal body should look, cus it is quite impossible, to magically get every bad thing about your body and skin away, just like they do, with a little help of photoshop.

I don't know what you think of this, but I think celebrities should stand up, and show the world that no one can be totally perfect.