torsdag den 11. august 2011


De har sgu hapset mit cosplay! T^T der mangler en faktura (ikk at jeg lige ved præcis hvad det betyder?) men helt ærligt! IH! *hpf* *hmpf* nå.... hm... oh well... I det mindste har jeg da forhåbentligt mit cosplay til J-Popcon ^^''

Men andre ting der irriterer mig er at jeg ikke kan lade være med at tænkte på Genki der hvor Humon kommenterede mit underlige grin >< hver gang jeg griner kommer jeg til at tænke på hvor pinligt det var T^T øv oss... damn you Humon! nah... I still love her comics of course but I hate that I can't stop thinking about it everytime I laugh -.-'' DOH!

Jeg tænker også på den tøs der absolut skulle kommentere på at der kom en furry (mig) gående forbi hende til genki-con... "en furry... til genki? EJ hvor KLAMT!" GR!! if I see her again I will go berskerk I promise! well okay no I can't ptomisse that cuz she has her own meaning, and she has the right to think what she wan't... men behøver hun at sige det højt så hun er sikker på at jeg (furry'en) hører det? what a ***** right? -.-''

Oh anyway... here comes some pictures of me and my fursuit ^^ (some of the pictures were borrowed by The Karelia, thanks for some great pic's mate ^^)

Okay først to billeder af hvordan det så ud uden farve ^^
Og nu... med farve ^^
Uh se lige hvordan den pæne tunge ser ud nu ^^ I loove iiit (igen total Ole Henriksen xD)
Pic's from Genki with The Karelia ^^
Seriously nice pic! we look so awesome x3

oh yeah ^^'' also a weird pic with me, doing... whatever I'm doing ^^'' looking mad I guess...? O__o

tirsdag den 9. august 2011

HEII wazz up dudes?

Hello there people, I have been away for quite a while so I thought that maybe I should write something on my blog again (even thought no one is reading it i guess but oh well it's just for the fun of it). so.... I was at my first Genki-con this weekend, and it was AWESOME!

1. Day

I met some nice people... actually it was a little funny the way we met the first group of people ^^'' Me and my friend Camilla were a little bit bored outside, so we wanted to dance the cheerleader dance from lucky star. Camilla cosplayed Ichigo from Bleach and I cosplayed Takami from Ouran high school host club, and then out of nowhere this group of people were running towards us, and asked if I cosplayed Tamaki or Honey, and of course I aswered Tamaki, and then they wanted some pictures with me, because they cosplayed Haruhi, and the hitachi twins. And well then we just started talking... haha also the guy whos known for cosplaying neko-senpai also from Ouran high school host club came towards us also, and I had to go In-Character, and should be really afraid of that guy xD so fun! I gotta upload some pictures of that very soon! hahaha lolz!

I also went berserk at the dealerroom ^^'' I think I got to use about 700 kr. in there (over the hole weeked) heh ^^'' I also got to see Humon that is the maker of the comics at and when we were standing at her table at artist alley, she said something funny, and of course I had to laught my weird, darkish, stupid laugh, and then she noticed me and kommented it >< like: "wow what was that? weird laugh!" and I was really shy to begin with and then everyone noticed me ><'' DAMNIT! oh well ^^''

2. Day

I also went to genki the second day in my fursuit :3 So happy that it's finally (almost) totally done ^^ but there were some annoying girl that said this while I walked next to them: "A furry... at Genki! EW how growse!" I really wanted to say something, but I think it was the best if I didn't ^^''

OH yes! That's right! there was one of the places at the dealerroom that gave some lotteri tickets when you bought for over 100 kr, I bought for over 200 and got two tickets for that, and won on both of them! xD First I won this bag! and I also won a mouspad, but I already have too many of those, so one of my friends asked if she could get it, and well... she got it ^^ but seriously look at this BAG! xD EDWARD! and also ROY MUSTANG! *droool*

3. Day

On the third day I didn't really want to cosplay, and I didn't get my fullmetal alchemist cosplay T^T but I had my fma t-shirt that I bought the day before, and thought that I would be an FMA FREAK that day xD so I had my t-shirt, bag, necklace and wig with me that day xD I also bought some badges, and a little purse with fma too ^^'' And at the time I got the edward wig on (forced by Camilla) everyone looked so weird at me ^^'' probably because I was THE FMA FAN!! xD quite funny but also a bit weird to know that I looked like a total freak ^^'' also I didn't get to take any pictures at genki-con but I got some pictures of ALL the stuff I got to buy ^^''

This Is everything that I Bought! :3 no wait... Gah I forgot the Fullmetal alchemist T-shirt! damnit! ><''

I Also had to make my edward wig in the Shamballa movie style after a hole day at genki with it, it didn't look nice anymore T^T but oh well... fit's me well cuz well... that is what I'm gonna cosplay :3